History Gallery
Looking back at over nine decades in the oil fields of Appalachia

John Henry Love, Sr.'s Wooden Drilling Rig Well being "Shot" with Nitroglycerin Barren County, KY - 1920's

John Henry Love, Sr.'s rig & future wife Pauline Summers (grandmother to Connie Love) Barren County, KY - 1920's

John Henry Love, Jr. Greensburg, KY Oil Boom - 1950's Field Cumulative Production: 1,000 bbl/day

John Henry Love, Jr. Cumberland County, KY - 1960's Field Cumulative Production: 800 bbl/day

John Henry Love, Jr. & Investor Cumberland County, KY - 1960's Field Cumulative Production: 800 bbl/day

John Henry Love, Jr. Russell County, KY - 1980's Chimney Feature Well Flowing at 500 bbl/day

Flowing Wells at Liepers Field - Barren County, KY - 1980's Field Cumulative Production: 700 bbl/day

Flowing Wells at Liepers Field - Barren County, KY - 1980's Field Cumulative Production: 700 bbl/day

Flowing Wells at Liepers Field - Barren County, KY - 1980's Field Cumulative Production: 700 bbl/day

JHO Drilling Operations Leslie County, KY - 1998

Landowner, Field Geologist, Dwight F. Love & Connie M. Love Leslie County, KY - 1998

Well flowing during drilling operations - 1,100 bbl/day Overton County, TN - 2000

JHO Tank Battery Overton County, TN - 2000

JHO Discovery Well Anderson County, TN - 2001 1.2 MCF/day

Well being placed on pump - Oil tanker loading Anderson County, TN - 2002

Tank Battery & Pump Jack Anderson County, TN - 2003

Connie M. Love & son Dwight - Ruins of old drilling rig Anderson County, TN - 2002

Fourth Generation Dwight - Oil tanker loading Anderson County, TN - 2002

Acid Stimulation Anderson County, TN - 2001

Connie M. Love - Acid Stimulation Overton County, TN - 1998

Acid Stimulation Anderson County, TN - 2001

Fourth Generation Dwight Jessie with Connie Love - Overton County, TN - 2015

Acid/Nitrogen Stimulation - McDonald Williams #2 Overton County, TN - 2015